free, original, curated content for design creatives who like to get shit done fast to get paid even faster



Your CCA Staff (2024)

from left to right

CCA=Communications and Creative Arts

IMC=Integrated Marketing Communications

CAE=Creative Arts Enterprise

Why I Use Notion and Why You Should Too. Right Now.

Bluntness: Understanding Radical Candor

The Internet is an awfully big place. My job is to make it smaller, so you can get finished faster, and go back to watching YouTube cat videos. You are welcome.

Designer Database—Click the Button Immediately Below

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“People say they can’t draw when they mean they can’t see, and that they can’t write when they mean they can’t think.” —Aaron Haspel %3D"uwaicon.jpg" is a personal project resource site dedicated to helping design creatives solve wicked problems and, in turn, get paid bucketfuls of money. It is neither sponsored by nor endorsed by The University of West Alabama.

Read more about UWA’s Integrated Marketing Communications program, one of the finest in the southeast, if not the nation. View student portfolios here. Then apply for on-campus or online undergraduate or graduate admission here.

And if you’ve somehow stumbled on this site and need professional design solutions for your business, consider partnering with my advertising agency. We’re kind of picky about clients we work with, but we’re damn good at what we do.

Whoopass Branding


A time-killer that just might teach you something about yourself

What kind of National leader would you become? Start your own nation and find out by reviewing challenging, topical issues of the day. Gameplay is text-based and only takes minutes a week. Instantly-generated newspaper headlines reveal the unintended consequences of your governing choices, which are often hilarious.

Check out Juvember, my fledgling country of 1.838 billion subjects who “have some civil rights, but not too many, enjoy the freedom to spend their money however they like, to a point, and take part in free and open elections, although not too often.” Will you oppress your people or let them run amuck? The answer may surprise you.

Though I’ve been at this diversion on and off for nearly nine years, I don’t have any alliances or allegiances. However, if you start playing, look me up. I could be convinced to take over the world with the right partner nations. I may do it without you.

The game was designed by Australia‘s Max Barry, one of the best living writers in the world. Start with Syrup. Highly recommended. Don’t judge this book by the cover. He didn’t write that. But somebody did get paid to design this cover, so maybe gainful employment is possible for you all.

Sometimes, I write. Sometimes, you read.

Published short stories I wrote that don’t suck. Enjoy.

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